Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Up close and personal!

Trees are not a rarity, but with all the changes, every time there were a bunch of trees, he stuck his neck out to take a better look. He smiled and muttered a wow! ‘A nature lover’, I said to myself.

His feet were tapping to a constant rhythm. Being a singer, I noticed he never went wrong. ‘A music lover; a knowledgeable one’, said I between smiles.

He kept looking at his watch; either he’s late or a stickler for time. I liked the latter and concluded it’s that!

Our eyes met. He smiled at me and I found it hard to resist! He was dark; not exactly handsome but a rugged look. And with all that I got to know about him, and most importantly, all qualities I like, I returned his smile with my best!

A mere hour in a bus and I actually got personal details of a complete stranger! Who said travelling is boring?! That too in the traffic of Bangalore? ;)

Thursday, July 15, 2010


Two shades of green, random yellow specks, white and grey coats and the constant drizzle. The smell of wet earth. Wow! With ‘A Love’ by Jeffrey Archer fresh on my mind, I look out of the window; the window could have belonged to a cottage in faraway Italy. A cup of freshly brewed coffee, re-reading ‘A Love’, treating my taste buds to a plateful of freshly cooked penne…

But the window belongs to a building which nests a hospital. The green leaves are losing its charm. They fall down and end up under the mammoth wheels of monstrous vehicles. It’s still pouring, and the earth, wet as yet. So are my eyes…